首頁 / 最新消息 / 獎學金/徵才 / 114/02/18 亞利桑那州立大學(ASU)來訪暨招生說明
主旨:114/02/18 亞利桑那州立大學(ASU)來訪暨招生說明
【活動通知】114/02/18 亞利桑那州立大學(ASU)來訪暨招生說明
活動時間:114年2月18日(二) 上午10:10~11:15
活動地點:電機系館B1 令洋廳 (92X31)
活動聯絡人:電資學院 陳小姐( #34008, email: z11308092@email.ncku.edu.tw)

活動時間 活動流程
10:10-10:20 報到
10:20-10:25 介紹貴賓
10:25-11:15   ASU Public Talk (共3部分)—
 (1) Prof. Chakrabarty and Dr. Peter’s joint presentation  
 (2) ASU’s introduction of engineering graduate program (MS or PhD)
 (3) Q&A
ASU 來訪貴賓 (1) Dr. Kurt Paterson, School Director and Professor, The Polytechnic School (https://search.asu.edu/profile/4364501)
(2) Dr. Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Fulton Professor of Microelectronics, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (https://search.asu.edu/profile/4669916)
(3) Mr. Adam Henry, Associate Director, Outreach & Recruitment Office of Academic and Student Affairs at Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering (https://search.asu.edu/profile/547887)
(4) Mr. Daniel Gerbatch, Executive Liaison for International Admissions, Admission Services
主題 The New Microelectronics Revolution and Arizona State University’s Leadership in Research and Education
講者 Prof. KRISHNENDU CHAKRABARTY,Fulton Professor of Microelectronics, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering (https://search.asu.edu/profile/4669916)
內容摘要 (請詳參附件說明)
Around two years ago, President Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act, which provides over $50 billion for American semiconductor research, development, manufacturing, and workforce development. In response, major semiconductor companies such as Micron, Qualcomm, and GLOBALFOUNDRIES have committed an additional $50 billion for chip manufacturing in the US. These investments are in addition to TSMC’s ongoing efforts in building state-of-the-art fabs in Arizona. These developments provide an unprecedented opportunity for university research, university/industry partnerships, and educational initiatives for workforce development in microelectronics. In this talk, I will first describe efforts at Arizona State University to build a microelectronics manufacturing ecosystem Hub and recent success stories. I will next provide an overview of my own research on various aspects of design-for-testability of 3D integrated circuits, silicon lifecycle management, and hardware security. Finally, I will discuss some open problems and challenges in a broader context. These are unprecedented times for microelectronics research in the US, and ASU is at the forefront of this revolution, with endless opportunities for graduate students and researchers.