碩士離校手續(Leaving School Procedures for Master Students)
Download the form for leaving the school on the above website.
First, your advisor signs his name on the form.
陳怡安小姐(分機:62106),蓋章(2)。需備齊以下兩項資料請手機出示或印出填答回條(以下所填資料與下載離校手續單學校問卷是不一樣的 )
修改系友基本資料:請至系友會網站(https://reurl.cc/kZMd5x)(帳號、密碼皆為學號,登入後請選擇修改系友資料,必填欄位都要填寫) 由於系統目前是關閉的 ,113/6~113/12的學生離校不用填 Students don't need to fill in the website this year.
填寫系上研究所畢業生問卷 (網址:http://bit.ly/2xOR0Yy) Students must fill in the questionnaire.
Second, go to the second website to fill in the questionnaire, and ask Ms. Sophy Chen to sign her name on the form.
Third, submit a copy of your thesis to Ms. Sherry Hou and make a department stamp on the form. Write your graduation number on the thesis and make a tick on A4 paper.(上述4為最後流程,請先完成1~3項後再繳交論文)
至總圖書館系統組確認「登入上傳論文及授權」及交平裝本論文乙冊,並至總圖蓋章。 (以上除了指導教授簽章外,承辦人如不在,請交給其他同仁代收單子,並核代理章)
Submit a copy of your thesis to the library.