首頁 / 最新消息 / 獎學金/徵才 / 成功大學機械系誠徵助理教授
本系誠徵專任教授若干名(助理教授、副教授或 教授職級)。應徵者需具機械工程相關領域之博士學位,有教學經驗及具英語授課能力者尤佳,起聘日期為民國11121。凡符合行政院科技部「補助大專校院延攬特殊優秀人才措施」資格之新進教師,本系將協助其申請額外之彈性薪資補助。曾獲科技部「愛因斯坦培植計畫」、「哥倫布計畫」、或「吳大猷先生紀念獎」等補助獎勵者,本系優先考慮。
  • 應徵者之研究專長除屬機械工程基礎領域外,如具下列新興領域相關專長者尤佳:
1.  綠色能源工程
2.  光電半導體及奈米科技
3.  先進製造
4. 機器人與人工智慧(AI)
5. 智慧移動載具
6. 生醫工程
7. 其他機械相關領域或跨領域專長
  • 應檢具資料:
    1. 一頁申請表
  1. 現職證明影本
  2. 著作目錄及代表性研究論文(最多5篇)
  3. 推薦函3封(由推薦人以e-mail PDF檔方式寄至本系新聘教師遴選委員會召集人)
  4. 最高學歷證件影本或預定取得學位之證明
  5. 成績單影本:大專(含)以上(申請教授職級以上者得免付)
  6. 教學計畫書與可授課之課程大綱
  7. 研究方向與研究計畫書(至多三頁)
  8. 其他有助於申請之資料(如得獎與專利等)
有意者請於民國110820前將上述資料(除推薦函外)依序彙整成1份PDF檔e-mail至csliu@mail.ncku.edu.tw, 請於主旨處註明「(申請人姓名)國立成功大學機械工程學系新聘教師遴選委員會收」,我們收到應徵信函後會於一週內主動與您確認,謝謝!
E-mail: csliu@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Faculty Positions in the Departmentof Mechanical Engineering
at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
Established in 1931 as a prominent national university in Tainan city of Taiwan, NCKU has been ranked #22 for Engineering subject (U.S. News-Education) and #51–100 for Engineering-Mechanical subject (QS) in global universities. The Department of Mechanical Engineering at NCKU invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions (assistant, associate, or full professor). Appointments are to commence on Feb.1, 2022. Applications are welcome from individuals with research experience in the traditional areas of mechanical engineering; but preference will be given to the following areas: green energy engineering, photonics/semiconductors and nanotechnology, advanced manufacturing, robotics and artificial intelligence, intelligent vehicles, bioengineering, and mechanical engineering related fields or interdisciplinary fields.
Ideas and experience in innovative teaching will be an asset, while a strong research track record commensurate with the rank of appointment is essential. The successful candidates will be required to teach and supervise students at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and establish a strong, externally-funded research program. Candidates must have a Ph.D.in Mechanical Engineering or a closely-related field. Candidates should have a demonstrated track record of technical, academic (excellence, or promise of excellence, in teaching and scholarly research) and professional achievement appropriate to the level of their appointment. Eligible, successful applicants will be assisted in the application of a bonus award offered by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan. Preference will be given to those applicants who have received grant or award from the MOST Einstein program,Columbusprogram, or Ta-You Wu Memorial Award.
If interested, a complete application should include:
  1. One-page application form
  1. A copy of current employment certificate;
  2. A detailed curriculum vitahighlighting career achievements, areas of research, teaching experience, list of publications, representative publications (at most 5), and awards/honors, as well as research grants and students supervised (the last two items are especially importantfor the Associate or Full Professor position);
  3. Three reference letters (sent by referee via e-mail in PDF format to the Search Committee Chairman);
  4. A copy of doctoraldegree certificate, or a letter stating the expected graduation date with the signature of the applicant’s thesis advisor;
  5. Transcripts or academic records of both undergraduate and graduate studies (optional for applicants of Full professor position);
  6. A statement of teaching interests with course outlines;
  7. A statement of research plans detailing the intended projects to be pursued, envisioned resources, and external funding ideas to allow executing the research plans (maximum 3 pages);
  8. Other materials that help demonstrate the applicant’s accomplishments (such as certificates of awards, patents, etc.)
Complete application must be sent to csliu@mail.ncku.edu.tw

byAug. 20, 2021, with the aforementioned documents (except for the reference letters) orderly combined into a single PDF file.Please indicate “(Applicant’s Name) to NCKU ME Search Committee” in the Subject of the email message. Confirmation of received application normally will be sent to the applicant within one week.
Contact person:       ProfessorChien-Sheng Liu   (Chairman of the Search Committee)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
         E-mail: csliu@mail.ncku.edu.tw