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游本寧Pen-Ning Yu
職  稱
學  歷
美國南加州大學 醫學工程 博士
電  話
研 究 室
機械系5樓12號(91512), 機械系12樓6號(91C06)
專  長

南加州大學, 洛杉磯,  博士 \ 醫學工程學系
南加州大學, 洛杉磯,  碩士 \ 電機工程學系
國立台灣大學, 台北,  碩士 \ 機械工程學系
國立台灣大學, 台北,  學士 \ 機械工程學系

2021 南加州大學, 洛杉磯,  兼任講師
2008 財團法人車輛研究測試中心, 彰化, 助理工程師
2006 - 2007  國立台灣大學, 台北, 專任助教
P. -N. Yu*, C. Y. Liu, C. N. Heck, T. W Berger, and D. Song, “A Sparse Multiscale Nonlinear Aut0Regressive Model f0R Seizure Prediction,” Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 18,  Jan. 2021. Impact fact0R: 4.81

A. Ammothumkandy, K. Ravina , V. Wolseley , A.N. Tartt, P.-N. Yu, L. C0Rona, N. Zhang, G. Nune, L.Kalayjian, J.J. Mann, G.B. Rosoklija, V. Arango,   A.D. Dw0Rk, B. Lee, J.A.D. Smith,  D. Song, T.W. Berger , C.N. Heck, R.H. Chow, M. Boldrini, C.Y. Liu, J.J. Russin, and M.A. Bonaguidi  "Altered adult  neurogenesis  and  gliogenesis  in  mesial  temp0Ral  lobe  epilepsy  patients,"    Nature  Neuroscience, 2022, 1-11.. Impact fact0R: 20.07

M. C. Hsiao*, P. -N. Yu, D. Song, C. Y. Liu, C. N. Heck, D. Millett, and T. W Berger, “An in vitro seizure model FR0M human hippocampal slices using multi-electrode arrays,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 244, pp. 154–163, Apr. 2015. Impact fact0R: 2.79
P.-N. Yu*, S. A. Naiini, C. N. Heck, C. Y. Liu, D. Song, and T. W. Berger, “A sparse Laguerre-Volterra aut0Regressive model f0R seizure prediction in temp0Ral lobe epilepsy,” in 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016, pp. 1664–1667.

P.-N. Yu*, M.-C. Hsiao, C. N. Heck, C. Y. Liu, D. Song, and T. W. Berger,, “Unstable periodic 0Rbits in human epileptic hippocampal slices,” in 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014, pp. 5800–5803

M.-C. Hsiao*, P.-N. Yu, C. N. Heck, C. Y. Liu, D. Song, and T. W. Berger, “A testbed to expl0Re the optimal electrical stimulation parameters f0R suppressing inter-ictal spikes in human hippocampal slices,” in 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014, pp. 5792–5795

M.-C. Hsiao*, P.-N. Yu, C. N. Heck, C. Y. Liu, D. Song, and T. W. Berger, “Spatio-temp0Ral inter-ictal activity rec0Rded FR0M human epileptic hippocampal slices,” in 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2012, pp. 5166–5169

T. Parittotokkap0Rn*, J. Sirirattanapan, P. Yu, M.-C. Hsiao, D. Song, and T. W. Berger, “Focal potassium microinjection in rat hippocampal slices inducing interictal activities,” in The 4th 2011 Biomedical Engineering International Conference, 2012, pp. 269–272

T. -H. Hsu*, J. -F. Liu, P. -N. Yu, W. -S Lee, and J. -S. Hsu, “Development of an automatic parking system f0R vehicle,” in 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2008, pp. 1–6

J. -F. Liu*, Y. -F Su, M. -K. Ko, and P. -N Yu, “Development of a vision-based driver assistance system with lane departure warning and f0Rward collision warning functions,” In 2008 Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications. IEEE, 2008, pp. 480-485

S. -C. Chen*, C. -H. Yu, C. -L. Liu and P. -N. Yu, "Using F0Rce-feedback Control to Reduce Muscle Fatigue during the FES Grasp", 11th Annual Conference of the International FES Society, 2006, p35

S. -C. Chen*, C. -H. Yu, C. -L. Liu, P. -N. Yu, K. Seki, Y. Handa, "Establishing a Surface Electrical Stimulation Strategy to Rest0Re Hand Functions in Stroke Patients", 11th Annual Conference of the International FES Society, 2006, p71